Autocomplete for Github code review

A wee lil browser extension for faster code reviews.

What is this?

A browser extension that adds autocomplete functionality when commenting on Github pull requests and commits. The suggestions are generated dynamically from the diff, so they're always relevant. Check it out:

How does it work?

The browser extension generates a prefix tree of all the relevant tokens from the diff, but only after clicking the comment button. After that, an autocomplete tooltip appears when the current word being typed is from the diff.

What about privacy?

The extension only requires permission to read from and write to the DOM of /commit/ and /pull/ paths. The extension cannot make any requests to GitHub as you nor does it execute any requests at all.

Who made this, why, and show me the code.

Autocomplete for GitHub is maintained by me, iampueroo. I made this extension after getting annoyed at retyping code when providing code reviews.